Hello, I’m Taryn and I’m Reluctantly Domestic.

What does that mean, you may ask? To me it means that against all odds I have become a wife to somebody I love with all my heart, a mom to two beautiful children, and the caretaker of our home that sits on 300 or so acres in rural central Minnesota. If you would have told me a decade ago that this would be my life I would have laughed in your face. Ten years ago I was newly single, didn’t want kids, and was sure that my next move was to the big city to chase my dreams (even though I didn’t really know what those dreams were). I was working a job that barely paid my bills, was admittedly partying way too much, and hanging out with my friends every chance I got. I didn’t want that life to end, but growing up has a funny way of sneaking up on a person. Now that that season is over I look back on it fondly, but am glad its over.

This domesticated life comes with its own set of challenges, especially for a person who never thought they’d live it. I don’t want to paint a perfect picture of our life, and that isn’t what this blog is about. It is about the daily stuff, the challenges of this season of life. This is about how to try and be healthier without going off the deep end, how to make time for each of my kids, how to keep my marriage healthy. It is about the things that I’ve gone through and continue to go through, like postpartum depression, anxiety, my 30s, toddler tantrums and ailing parents. I hope that by sharing my stories, best practices, recipes (for food and success) will give me a creative outlet and keep me out of an asylum, and also help others who might need to know that there is somebody else out there doing the same thing. I want to continue to hone my systems that help keep our lives running as smoothly as they do, and share that with others so they can do the same.

If you’ve made it this far with me, I sure hope you stay. I promise to be genuine, let my personality shine through (the good and the bad), and do my best to make you laugh a little too. If you do stick around, I hope you find some inspiration, or at least have a good chuckle while figuring out what to make for supper.
